Our mission is to shape a clean future for the ocean, and protect marine life from being harmed by ocean trash. 

Today, as much as 5 bath tubs of plastic washes up in Bohuslän every hour. Already, 94% of seabirds in the North Sea have plastic in their stomachs, and millions of marine animals die every year because of ocean plastic. 

This is what we're fighting to stop. And we do it by removing this plastic and other harmful trash from the ocean and coastline. 

But how do we clean the ocean?

Coastal cleanups

We clean the bays, beaches and stretches of coastline on the west coast of Sweden, where the most ocean plastic washes up. This way we can keep the coastline clean for all coastal marine life, and remove the plastic before it can return to the ocean during high tides or storms. The majority of our cleanups are coastal cleanups. So far we've cleaned over 300 bays along the west coast of Sweden. 

Dive cleanups

Much of the trash that ends up in the ocean sinks to the ocean floor. To remove it, we organize dive cleanups together with Rena Botten. We target marinas, where there are often large concentrations of trash under the surface. On these cleanups we remove big tyres, bottles, car/boat batteries, fishing gear and much more. To date we've removed over 5 000 kilos of trash from the ocean floor in marinas on dive cleanups. 

Island cleanups

There are thousands of islands in the beautiful Bohuslän archipelago. These islands are important wildlife habitats for animals such as seals and seabirds. But since they are furthest out in the archipelago, they are often unprotected and receive a lot of ocean plastic. So we go out to clean these islands, and remove the plastic so it does not harm marine life, or end up back in the ocean. 

  • Single use plastic

    50% of the plastic we find on our cleanups is single-use plastic. Plastic bags, bottles, food packaging, balloons, take away boxes etc. It's often used just a couple of minutes, but can pollute the ocean for decades, or even centuries...

  • Fishing gear

    40% of the plastic we find is discarded fishing gear. Ghost nets, ropes, fishing lines, lobster cages and even equipment such as gloves and fishing crates. Discarded fishing gear is a big threat to marine life, which can easily get stuck and harmed by it. 

  • Other

    We have learned that you can find practically anything on a cleanup. We find a lot of polestyrene, building equipment, medicine, tanks of gasoline, car parts, tools and clothes. We've even found morphine from Denmark, and space technology...

1 of 3
  • 71 000+

    Kg ocean plastic removed.

  • 300+

    Bays and marinas cleaned.

  • 600+

    Cleanups done.

Help pull the next kilo!

Join the mission and help pull the next kilo of ocean plastic today with a CleanSea bracelet!

Lets clean the ocean!

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