Partner with CleanSea

We believe the only way to really turn the tide on plastic pollution is by working together. Together as people, organizations, companies and entire nations.

If your company wants to help make a clear, concrete impact and help shape a clean future for the ocean - we'd love to have you with us!

But how can we make an impact together?

  • 100 For The Ocean

    Join the 100 For The Ocean mission, and adopt 1 of the 100 most polluted bays and islands on the west coast of Sweden. You will help fund cleanup efforts to keep a place such as Smögen, Marstrand, or Tjurpannan clean all year round.

    See more 
  • Pull kilos!

    One of the clearest ways to make a concrete impact is to remove a set amount of plastic from the ocean. Whether it is 50, 500 or 5 000 kilos, every piece of plastic we remove is a win! (Can be done with or without bracelets.)

  • Become plastic neutral!

    Do you want to offset the plastic used within your company? Together, we can calculate your companies plastic consumption, and for every kilo produced, we'll remove 1 kilo of plastic from oceans and coastlines. Offset the company's entire plastic footprint, or the plastic footprint of one collection/product.

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The problem

Right now, 5 bath tubs of plastic are washing up in Bohuslän every hour. It's brought here with currents from the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, and Bohuslän is a high impact area in Europe. 94% of Seabirds in the North Sea have plastic in their stomachs, and millions of marine animals die because of ocean plastic.

Our Vision

CleanSea's goal is to protect our oceans and all it's incredible marine life. Because of ocean currents that bring so much plastic, Bohuslän has been called "Europe's trash dump" in newspapers. We're on a mission to make it the cleanest coastline in all of Europe. And we need you with us on the journey to make that vision a reality!

  • Bright Equipment is an outdoor clothes brand from Luleå. They want to be part of the mission towards a clean ocean, and make a clear impact. For every 1 kilo of clothes sold by Bright Equipment, CleanSea now pulls 1 kilo of plastic from the ocean. This year, we're aiming to removing 10 000 kilos together!

  • L:a Bruket makes skincare products, with the goal of getting people more connected to nature through their products. L:a Bruket donated 5% of the revenue from their "Angelica" collection to CleanSea's cleanups. Together, we aim to pull over 1 000 kilos of ocean plastic together!

  • Orusts Sparbank helps shape a cleaner ocean and coastline around Orust, by removing 1 kg of ocean plastic for every new customer that joins Orusts Sparbank in 2024. The goal is to remove 1 000 kilos of ocean plastic together!

  • Every kg documented on professional cleanups.

  • Support a clean ocean on Sweden's west coast and make a concrete impact for marine life.

  • Share the progress and impact we make together through video and photos from our collaborations cleanups.

  • Attract new audiences and customers by being a company that helps shape a better future for our planet.

Reach out and let's see how we can save the ocean together!

Want to discuss how your company can help make an impact? Give us a call or shoot us an email, and let's book a meeting to discuss together!

Mikaela: +46 70 533 77 93

Lukas: +46 70 530 77 28