2 000 Together - 20 000 kilos!

In CleanSea, we have a dream. Creating a plastic free ocean, and saving thousands of animals in the ocean every year. Our goal - to pull an extra 20 000 kilos of ocean plastic every year. Enough to save countless marine animals, and keep hundreds of bays along Sweden's coastline clean. Sounds quite good, right?

To make it come true, we've created CleanSea subscriptions. As a CleanSea subscriber, you can pull 1 pound, 1 kilo, or even 2 kilos of ocean plastic every month. If we can become 2 000 CleanSea subscribers, we can pull these extra 20 000 kilos of ocean plastic together every year!

Start Making Your Monthly Impact!

  • Clear impact every month!

    You make a clear continuous impact by pulling 0.5 - 2 kgs of ocean plastic every month.

  • Subscription bracelet + seasonal bracelets!

    You get a CleanSea subscription bracelet when starting, and a new seasonal bracelet every 4 months.

  • Follow your impact!

    You get an update when each of your monthly kilos have been removed, and the CleanSea monthly report about our combined impact and progress that month!

The impact of your subscription

Every piece of plastic we remove from the ocean, can be the piece that saves a life. Pulling 0.1 kg of ocean plastic could save a seabird. 0.5 kg can be enough to save a seal. As a CleanSea subscriber, you will make a meaningful contribution to marine life every month - whatever level you choose :)

  • 1 089

    CleanSea subscribers.

  • 12 960 kg

    ocean trash removed by subscribers/year.